Hospitality and Fellowship
Welcome Committee
The mission of the All Are Welcome Committee is to greet and assist all those who experience the Shrine, whether they are a member or a visitor, and to provide information about the church and our ministries.
There are three options to being involved in our Welcome Committee:
Ushers: the friendly face that greets and guides members through our service
Welcome Table: those who individually greet and answer questions about our parish community
Events Committee: those who plan parish celebrations (scroll down for more info)
If you would like to help with the welcome table or are just seeking more information contact: annadaniel@catholicshrineatlanta.org.

You Are WELCOME Here.
The Catholic Shrine

Shrine PRIDE
The Pride Potluck Socials are designed to promote unity within the Shrine LGBTQ+ community. These events are for the LGBTQ+ persons and allies who are either interested in knowing more about our church or returning to the church.
For more information about Shrine LGBT+ Potluck Socials, please send email to glbt@catholicshrineatlanta.org.
The Atlanta Pride Festival will be held on October 8th and 9th and the Shrine will once again have a booth to help spread the word of God's love. We would like to invite you, the Body of Christ, to volunteer to help by manning the booth for a 2 hour shift that weekend.
Link to register: www.shrineevents.com/booth
Parish Community Events
Special Events Committee
The purpose of this committee is to coordinate and facilitate four to five special events per year. Members will chair sub-committees as needed. Meetings are held as needed.
Annual Events:
Pentecost Party
Parish Picnic
Saints Party (Halloween)
Advent Wreath Making
St. Nicholas Day